Creative Self Journaling Program

Our gift to you!

Complimentary program developed by Jacob Nordby

What's Included

popular Creative Self Journaling ebook guide

10-minute guided visualization

NEW Audiobook version of Journaling guide

3-minute instructional video

What if you
could ...

Learn to use a therapist-tested program designed to help you

  • Listen to yourself
  • Clarify your needs and desires
  • Restore the connection to your inner creative self
  • Identify limiting beliefs and patterns
  • Imagine and take action toward to life you were meant to live

And what if you could use this practice in about ten minutes per day?

Add this program to your existing journaling practice – or explore a new way of doing inner work.

  • Especially developed for people who believe they’re bad at journaling or just don’t think they like it.

Whether you’re a veteran journaler or have never been able to get into it consistently … let this simple process surprise you!


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What's in the Ebook & Audio

  • A different approach to journaling that can become a creative practice for the rest of your life.
  • Three specific self-reflection questions to answer – Easy prompts that go deep.
  • Instructions for how to make this work in just 10 minutes per day.
  • Suggested reading (if you like that sort of thing).

What's in the Guided Visualization?

  • A ten-minute guided visualization designed to help you relax deeply.
  • Binaural tones designed to harmonize your brainwaves.
  • “Right-brain workout” that will help you access your creative state.
  • Activate your imagination and train it to help you create what you would love.

Books by Jacob Nordby

"I'm not very creative!" or "I'm not creative enough!" are common statements in our society, but according to author and creative guide Jacob Nordby, nothing could be further from the truth.

Creativity, Nordby argues, is actually akin to the sap in a tree or the blood in our veins—it’s present in all of us and meant to flow through every part of our lives.

Whenever we feel stuck or stagnant, creativity is the key to restoration; and a source of profound healing. Yet many remain unaware of its full potential.

This book is an invitation to heal the vital connection to your inner creative self—and, in the process, begin to mend other areas of your life that need healing.

Listen to an audio sample

About the Author

Jacob Nordby is a writer living in Boise, Idaho. You might find him on a trail in the nearby foothills or typing away in the quietest corner of a coffee shop downtown.

He is the founder of The Institute for Creative Living, the Heal + Create project and community, and co-founder of A Writing Room.

Learn more about his other books, speaking, online courses, and creative guidance sessions by visiting