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This group is open to all Heal + Create members. We invite you to connect with each other, share, discuss, and grow.
We provide this community gathering place as a space in which you can feel safe and connect over the topics and ideas that make your eyes shine.
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Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth
Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth
Posted by Nathan on February 17, 2024 at 3:41 pmTo get a true sense of who we are, become more complete and integrated human beings, we must go to the unconscious and set up communication with it. Much of ourselves and many determinants of our character are contained in the unconscious. It is only by approaching it that we have a chance to become conscious, complete, whole human beings. Jung has shown that by approaching the unconscious and learning its symbolic language, we live richer and fuller lives. We begin to live in partnership with the unconscious rather than at its mercy or in constant warfare with it.
Click the image above or click here to grab the book, and get ready to join us in this book club that I’m excited to explore with all of you!
Joanne replied 10 months, 1 week ago 11 Members · 71 Replies -
71 Replies
I’m excited! This is such a great book!
I’d like to suggest that for the duration of our time with this book, we all keep a dream journal. We don’t have to share dreams unless we want to, but I have found that once the Dreamworld realizes you’re paying attention, the dreams can get much more interesting!
What do you say?
I like it. The first step for me will be to remember any dream, since it’s rare for me to wake up and even know I have dreamed at all! I imagine that the more awareness I bring to it, the more they will show up. Great recommendation!
I am definitely a dreamer. I have been my whole life. I have many dreams that I will never forget.
Keeping dream journals is an excellent idea! I have vivid, detailed dreams and often wake up from them so paralleling a journal with the book will bring even more depth to the experience.
When are we actually starting to meet for this book? Kitty has her session on Thursday the 22nd.
I believe we’re going to start the first Thursday in March! The schedule for March is being solidified now and will be published soon. I can’t wait to see everyone again. It feels like it’s been a long time!
I’m so glad you asked! I was thinking since we have 3 sessions this month and I’d like to do Part 1 of the book this month, if we read the first chapter, Waking Up to the Unconscious, we can chat through it on Thursday, and then we can do 2 chapters for each of the next sessions. I’ve been loving the book so far and I can’t wait to dig into with you!
That’s perfect! I’m so glad we’re gonna digest it in small bites, so we can really absorb its nutritional value.
I can’t wait to see everyone later to kick off Inner Work! Be sure to read the first chapter.
Here’s the Zoom Link, in case you missed the email: -
Is it Thursday yet? 😃
I can’t wait to learn and discover with you in a few days, and just a reminder, we will be discussing the chapters or sections called Inner Work: Seeking the Unconscious and Alternative Realities: The World of Dreaming, the Realm of Imagination. Bring your thoughts, inspirations, questions, or just your presence as we dive into this great book!-
I thought the same thing about it being Thursday yet! Looking forward to the discussion and seeing everyone! Such interesting chapters!
Tomorrow! I’m looking forward to it! I’ll reread those next two chapters before then… I misread the initial postings and read the most of Part I already. Glad I can go back over it and take my time to more fully absorb the ideas contained in Inner Work and Alternative Realities!
I might miss it, unfortunately. My dog has a UTI and the vet appointment is going to conflict with the time. If I can join, it might only be to listen and not share.
Oh no! We hope everything goes well, and we’ll look forward to seeing you if you’re able to pull it off!🙏
Dang I’m torn — Just found out a piece I submitted is going under discussion on another Zoom and I feel I should be there live … could you send replay to me please Nathan? TIA!
There was some mention last week of discomfort about Johnson’s blanket phrase “Jung observed that the aboriginal people of Australia spend two-thirds of their waking lives in some form of inner work.” I found the following Medium article discussing this idea. I gave it a quick skim, and thought it was worth sharing.
The Ancient Cosmic Spirituality Of The Australian Aborigine
What The Oldest Continual Culture On Earth Can Tell Us About The Nature Of Reality
I won’t be able to attend. Taking a friend to the ER. Have no idea when we might be done.
Have a good meeting!
Oh no! I hope all turns out well! We’ll be thinking of you! ❤
Hi Lisa! I’m sorry I’m only seeing this this morning! In the future, to find the zoom link for an event, go up to the top of the page (any page on the H+C website will have this option) and click on Member Sessions. That will give you a list of all the upcoming events. You can scroll through until you find the event you want, and the zoom link will be at the bottom of the description of that event. 🙂
I apologize, I thought I had this written in my notes. What chapters/sections are we focusing on again for the meeting on the 28th?
Hello there, Sadie! For the Book Club on the 28th, I think Nate will be discussing the last two
chapters of the Introduction, which are The Archetypes and the Unconscious, and
Conflict and Unification (Credo in Unum). 🙂-
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Hi Mylene! Thank you so much. I appreciate it. …Again it was so cool to have you join us on Thursday!
😍 Thanks, Sadie! It’s my pleasure e-meeting you all!❤
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TGIT!! 😃
Finally. It feels like it’s been a long time and I have enjoyed the chapters this session soo much. I can’t wait to dig in with everyone. Here’s the link, in case you missed the email:
What a great discussion last night!
After several years of not sleeping well, I’ve recently been sleeping through most of the night… at least until my bladder wakes me up. And I hadn’t had any dreams that I could recall for a long time. Last night I did, and I remembered it long enough to write it down as part of my Morning Pages. However, I’m not sure if the tail end of the dream was really my unconscious or if I was starting to guide the dream… in the past, when I started guiding a dream I’d wake up. I think I did this time too… but I’m not sure if I went back to sleep or not. The next thing I knew for sure was that the dog wanted me to get up twenty minutes early, at 5:40! She’s old though and her bladder isn’t what it used to be either, so we got up 20 minutes earlier than usual. Probably why I could remember the dream. Anyway, I’m wondering how I can know if I’m guiding the dream or if it’s really my unconscious. Anybody have thoughts on that?
It’s been weird, but I’ve been dreaming a lot too! It’s pretty amazing because I don’t normally dream or if I do, I don’t remember it. I’ve been taking care to write them down and the deeper we get into this book, the more I’m finding I can do with them. It’s not an easy process, but I’m excited to dig in. I don’t think I can answer your question, yet, but I’m hoping that the more we explore this book, maybe some answers will come.
Gesene, lucid dreaming could definitely develop in early morning dreams. Not sure if there’s a specific point where one is either “asleep” or “awake” in that case. Indeed, Nate, we may find more info as we keep reading.
I, too, have been remembering bits and pieces of dreams more (power of suggestion, anyone?) since we started this book. I need to get my non-disruptive system for recording the initial memories, though; usually it’s just a “still” picture in my mind that’s leftover from the end of a dream sequence.
I can’t wait to dig in with everyone. Here’s the Zoom link:
Here are few things to remember for basic Jungian dream interpretation:
- Everything in the dream represents an inner state. People in dreams aren’t those people, but rather are aspects of yourself.
- Animals may represent instinctive or lower-level aspects.
- Stones, circular objects, and mandalas tend to be symbols of the self. Symbols of the self may also be people who have a luminous quality.
- A place in a dream may refer to a state of mind we need to get to or move out of.
- The shadow is a figure of the same sex as the dreamer. The shadow may portray negative qualities that we don’t want to admit to ourselves (a sullen person might be our own tendency toward depressive states), or it could be a positive quality that we are blind to (such as a confident speaker in a dream revealing our hidden aptitude for leadership).
- A man’s anima will be a female figure, and a woman’s animus a male figure. The anima/animus figure often functions as a psychopomp, leading us to our true self.
I can’t wait to dig into the next two chapters tonight as well as do some dream analysis exploration with everyone. Here’s the link to join if you missed the email:
I found this article and wanted to share it with the club. It does a nice job of consolidating and explaining the 4 Steps we’ve been covering:
An Easy Guide to Jungian Dream Interpretation
An Easy Guide to Jungian Dream Interpretation – Dream Sanctuary
An Easy Guide to Jungian Dream Interpretation – Dream Sanctuary
Cool…looks like a great read! This dream work is so fascinating. Thanks!
hey Friends, I’m not going to be able to make it tonight, I’m feeling a bit poorly. Nothing serious, just the chronic stuff, need to get some extra rest. I look forward to seeing you all next week! ❤📚
So sorry to hear it Susan! We’re going to miss you, but we hope you get feeling better ASAP.🙏
We’ll hope to see you next week. -
We missed you, Susan. So sorry you’re not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon!
So missed your wonderful insights and beautiful energy, Susan. Blessings for wellness!
TGIT 🔖😀 We’re wrapping up Section 1 of the book this evening, and I’m looking forward to seeing each of you at Book Club! Here’s the link in case you missed the email:
I will miss this Thursday as I will be traveling up to Colorado Springs.
I’ll miss seeing you and hearing your thoughts on the book and life. Safe travels!
Safe travels! We will miss you. 🙏
We hope to see you next week.
Oh no! We’ll miss you, but we’ll make sure to record it in case you want to catch all the action later! 🙂
Sorry to hear about your friend’s loss.
This next section is really interesting and I can’t wait to discuss it with everyone!
Here’s the link:
Happy Thursday!
Here’s the link in case you missed the emails:
See you soon!
Hey Nate and all, my heart apologizes for being on a rant at today’s discussion. (The chili pepper was on fire today! 🤦🏼♀️) I know we are here to discuss our dreams and not everyday life issues that don’t need to be discussed during book club.
(Broken record, I know), I truly appreciate this group (and the entire Heal + Create community). You all are a sanctuary to me so to speak. Thank you all for helping me down this sometimes crazy road which is life. Thank you for your listening and generosity. You all contribute to my healing, which I will be forever grateful. You all really rock my world! ❤️
One of the joys of community is being able to share what’s going on in our lives with a group that you feel safe in. I want everyone to feel safe enough to share what’s going on! My job will be to keep us on track.
Keep reading and growing and sharing what these books are revealing! 🙏
Ladies! My lovely daughter is graduating from High School. As you know, we home school her and we were able to get her into a place that will let her walk with a graduating class. This came together at the last minute, and, unfortunately, it lands on Thursday. 😔
I propose that we cancel this upcoming session, and combine this week’s reading with the final chapter and we’ll do a grand finale next week. Alternatively, if one of you feels called to lead this week’s club, I can arrange for you to be the host.
If you can reply to this or message me directly to let me know you received it or to let me know your thoughts, I will be grateful. Either way, I look forward to seeing you next week! 🙏
I’m fine with postponing it until next week.
I’m excited you found a place that will let her share the stage with them. 👩🎓 Congratulations to all! 🎉
Hi Nathan, enjoy your daughter’s graduation. See you all next time 🙂
I will certainly never mind having an extra week to ponder what I have read. Or an extra week to even get around to reading the chapters for the next meeting. Enjoy the graduation ceremony! Congratulations to you all!
I’m fine to postpone and have a grand finale all together next week.
Enjoy your daughter’s graduation!
Excellent. Thanks so much to each of you for your kind words and for your understanding! It’s a big day in the life of my ”little” girl, and a big day for me too. Feels like a milestone that would never be reached, but here I am all of a sudden. I look forward to catching up next week! 🙏
I’ll post some pictures here when they’re available.📸
Beautiful picture of your family! It’s great that you arranged for your daughter to “walk” for her graduation.
Now there’s the look of a proud papa! I know mom and brothers are too! What a sweet and beautiful family!