Heal + Create Member Session

Limitless Lion’s Gate *Startup Event* by Julie Sea and Joanne Sprott

Limitless Lion’s Gate *Startup Event* by Julie Sea and Joanne Sprott

Welcome to this Lion’s Gate Internal Power Activation with Julie Sea and Joanne Sprott!

The Lionsgate 88 Portal, activated by the rising of the star Sirius in the night sky, is the opening of a galactic gate that delivers high-frequency energy to unlock and upgrade the memory of our cells, allowing us to bring more healing, peace, and love into our being.

You can use this high-frequency energy to 

  • open your energy centers,
  • inspire new ideas,
  • raise your consciousness,
  • and enhance your ability to receive psychic downloads.

Julie will share an energetic tool for releasing old energies in order to receive the gifts of the Lion’s Gate…

Joanne will use her Tarot symbolism to suggest actions we can take to manifest our own Lion’s Strength with both power and love…

Join us for a great upliftment going into the Summer Splendor!

*Please also stay tuned for the Daily Message that will be posted within the Heal + Create community during the two weeks of Energy download. Then join us again for our «Celebration Ceremony», which will be held on August 11 @ 10 am Central!


P.S.: Lion’s Gate Peak Power Ritual Moment (NO Zoom—Energy Connections ONLY!)

Date: August 8, 2024 @ 8 pm Central Time

On this day, the Sun is just past 15 degrees of Leo, which is halfway through the zodiac. Reaching this halfway mark also signifies the astrological midpoint between the June Solstice and the September Equinox.

Reaching this halfway mark is said to thin the veil between the realm of spirit and the “3D world.” And lastly, «88» in numerology represents infinity and DNA activation, allowing us to take this Sirius energy and infuse into the very core of our being.

As Heal + Create members, let’s connect energetically @ 8 pm Central Time by reciting the following Manifestation Declaration: 


I (your full name) now request that my present Earth journey, to be constantly kept elevated with Pure Love/Source energy. 


From this point forward, I choose to make decisions that nourish my inner spark and that validate the recognition of my infinite value.


And so, it is.

Session Details

Date & Time

Sunday July 28, 2024

10:00 am
(Central Time Zone)

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